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FixASRunAt-Fix connection problems between your PC and Pocket PC


For most people it's imperative to be able to hook their Pocket PC up to their desktop computer in order to exchange files, install applications or synchronise data.

Unfortunately ActiveSync doesn't always want to play ball, which is where FixASRunAt comes in. The program is designed to eliminate connection problems between your computer and mobile device.

The software is able to repair programming problems within ActiveSync to give you a more reliable connection. The interface is very simplistic but this makes it straightforward to use.

You just click 'OK' in the menu bar and the freeware launches a list of commands for scheduled tasks and notifications, allowing you to fix problems.

FixASRunAT won't repair all ActiveSync problems, but if you find yourself constantly experiencing connections worries, it will siginicantly reduce the amount of times you need to reset your device.

Download FixASRunAt in Softonic

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